Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hi Everyone

   There is a new version of "Darkness into Light" out. The changes are very minor with the story remaining the same. 
Best regards always,
Hi Everyone
   It is correct to say that it id a jungle out there. It certainly is! I lost the NEH Grant on what I consider to be a technicality (My series is fiction -- I was told by NEH, after I had turned in my application,  that they require you to have a non-fiction rather than fictional series. But the person who sent me my disqualification notice was the same one who encouraged me to apply in the first place via a phone conversation!. A local producer indicated no surprise, as I hadn't spent much time in the queue!). 
   Moving onward, I am writing a new WW II novel. It deals with the Warsaw Ghetto and all those poor folks went through. Thus, it won't include any of the characters that are in my series which has previously been self-published. The reason I am writing a new novel is that a friend in Santa Fe, NM has said that they will forward this novel to their agent.
   I am also sending a query letter to the high schools throughout the country in an effort to get my series, which is rich in history, used by the schools. I got this idea from the students who were not attending classes due to the requirement to take the national tests. I really think that, if students are allowed to use interesting and exciting books, that the graduation rates could increase significantly.
   That is what is happening in my authorship. As always, if you have any ideas on how I should proceed, I can guarantee you that I would essentially be 'all ears.'
My very best to you always,